samedi 3 octobre 2015

The other side of the job numbers is the economic evolution underway. The introduction of technology is the global economy. This is a wave of innovation which unsettles the economy and some jobs vanish as new types of jobs are created requiring different skill sets.reducing jobs since basic jobs can be replaced with machines. We are seeing this South Africa’s gold-mining companies are also now turning to machines to replace workers to reduce the cost of mining gold. This is a trend that is impacting
trend everywhere.
The other side of the job numbers is the economic evolution underway. The introduction of technology is reducing jobs since basic jobs can be replaced with machines.
We are seeing this trend everywhere.
South Africa’s gold-mining companies
are also now turning to machines to replace
workers to reduce the cost of mining gold.
This is a trend that is impacting the global
economy. This is a wave of innovation which u
nsettles the economy and some jobs vanish as n
ew types of jobs are created requiring different skill sets.

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